Monday, July 16, 2012

Thoughts from India...

Mark 16:15 "And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."

The Process...
It was pretty amazing to experience a mission trip to a “third world country” as a couple.  Jay and I had always wanted to go together, but I always seemed to be pregnant or nursing and chasing a toddler...imagine that!  Our time had come...  Upon joining Idlewild, in Tampa, FL we were really excited about the opportunities they offered to minister around the world, especially since the kids were at a more manageable age to leave them with someone.
I remember looking down the list of places teams were being sent out to and thinking, whoa...The Amazon?  Mali?  Zambia?  India? and more... That’s crazy!  I can’t even imagine traveling that far and experiencing such different cultures.  Well, a need for a pastor to go on a trip came up, The Lord provided an extra space for me, and three months later we found ourselves along with 9 others boarding a plane to New Delhi India!
After a 10 hour layover and excursion through New York, followed by a 14 1/2 hour flight, we jumped ahead 9 1/2 hours and arrived in New Delhi. We were met by our fellow believers  from The Cooperative Outreach of India “COI”.  Just to see the excitement they expressed to see us and hear them say, “Our people are here!” brought tears to my eyes.  Our Great God had ordained each of our steps, provided the means, and brought us to a faraway country to encourage, bless and get dirty in ministry with these people.  I caught a glimpse of what it must be like to follow and live for Jesus in a culture that worships thousands of gods. Lots of ministry and few workers! Matt 9:37 "
Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few."  Let's do this!!!
Our Team of 11 getting ready to board the plane to India!!
Culture Shock...
It was night, it was hot and there were people everywhere!!  We piled in a few taxi/vans and merged with the craziest traffic I have ever witnessed! “Lord Jesus, you got us here, I am not in control, please see us to our next destination, Amen!”  It was a challenge getting used to wrong side of the car, wrong side of the road, ignoring traffic lights, swerving in and out of 5 lanes when really there were 2 marked and constant beeping of horns.  These horns were not necessarily in anger but to merely say, I’m here or coming don’t hit me.  
We were surrounded by rickshaws, bikes, cars, auto rickshaws, scooters, motorbikes, Oxen pulling carts, and people walking through traffic like the old video game “Frogger”.  Oh my goodness!!

We drove through big city traffic, then into a small community on "Ally-like" roads crowded with people. If the driver needed to turn around, he stopped, went in reverse, forward, reverse, forward, etc. stopping all traffic, until they were turned around to head the other direction. People beeped, but no one yelled. Insane!
Hotel at last, Yay for AC and a husband to sleep with in this new environment. Our brother Silbi told us goodnight and that we will hear strange noises..."It's just the enemy, I like to sleep with my Bible"...Okayyyy, on that note, I will try to sleep. We had a "camp-like" mattress covered with a sheet and a scratchy wool blanket. Despite it being 1:30 in the afternoon at home, we slept and woke up ready for ministry!!!
Just glimpse of the crazy traffic!
Vacation Bible School:  Hundreds of kids from the slums were bused in to learn about Jesus.  They were loved on by volunteers through snacks, music, Bible stories, games, and some crazy Americans. They saw people cared about them and for them and were open to learning about this Jesus, God’s only son who gave His life for them.  It was the first time many had heard His Name and for the first time, many trusted Him as their Lord and Savior.  In a country where most everything is worshiped, they confessed Jesus and believed in their heart He is the only way to Heaven.  What a HUGE blessing it was to be a part of this ministry. Each one wanted to shake our hand and ask our name. They taught us their special handshake and we taught them to blow up the pound. We sang, clapped and danced with them while worshiping in Hindi, and I even got to help lead "Oh How He Loves Us" in English. Each day we were met with more enthusiasm than the day before. They loved us taking their picture then looking at it. They were also very eager for me to try their snacks...I was brave once, then chose to chew gum each day so I had an excuse not to partake in the spicy and handled by many snacks :) I did get a special chocolate treat one day which I put aside and shared later with a friend yummmm! Thanks Ashish if you're reading...Emily and I enjoyed this so very much!
Getting lined up to begin the day of worship.
Jay had the recreation duties at VBS and chose to introduce them to the game of dodge ball among others.

 I had the privilege of teaching a class of kids ages 6-10 about my Jesus.  I shared my testimony with them, talked about Paul and Samson, and gave them the gospel.  I had 2 interpreters with me each day Mrs. James and Veish...they were awesome and allowed these children to hear and understand the Good News.  Each one made the decision to pray and receive Christ.  What an amazing event to witness and be a part of and what sweet sweet kids!!!

More to come on people, house churches, train ministry and Agra...I love India!!